In co-operation with KulturKontakt Austria, the Austrian Federal Chancellery makes available 50 residencies in Austria (Vienna and Salzburg) for the year 2016. The residency is designed to offer an opportunity to familiarise oneself with the Austrian art scene and cultural environment and to make contact with Austrian artists. Residents are expected to complete a project during their stay. During their stay, the artists in residence will be made familiar with the art scene and cultural environment. Activities on offer include visits at galleries, studios and museums, contacts to the literature and publishing sector, as well as access to Vienna’s or Salzburg’s music life. Whenever possible, the residents will receive free tickets for art and book fairs, performances at the Tanzquartier Wien, the international ImPuls Tanz dance festival and other events.
During their stay in Salzburg, the artists in residence will be taken care of by Kunstverein Salzburg. There is the possibility of participating actively in the Artists-in-Residence-go-to-School- Programme of KulturKontakt Austria (the programme includes reading events and workshops at Austrian schools). This call is open to artists whose permanent place of residence is outside of Austria and who have completed their training. Austrian citizens cannot apply for this programme. A basic working knowledge of German or English is required. The age limit for applicants is 40 years, i.e. the applicants’ date of birth has to be after the 31 December 1975.
Application form/Bewerbungsformular