Important Deadline Extended in
Google Book Search Copyright Settlement
New York, NY The federal court overseeing the Google Book Search Copyright Settlement today extended the Opt-Out Deadline in the case from May 5, 2009 to September 4, 2009 (the Extended Opt-Out Deadline). The Extended Opt-Out Deadline is the new date by which class members must decide whether to remain in the Settlement Class and receive the benefits of the Settlement, object to the Settlement, or opt out of the Settlement.
The change in the Opt-Out Deadline has caused the Final Fairness Hearing date to be rescheduled, from June 11, 2009 to October 7, 2009. This is the new date of the hearing for the court to consider whether to grant final approval of the settlement. All other deadlines and key dates in the case remain the same, including May 5, 2009 as the date on or before which a book must have been scanned in order to be entitled to a Cash Payment.
Online claims-filing and detailed information about the Settlement are available at http://www.googlebooksettlement.comin 36 languages.